
Thursday 25 April 2013

Top 5 Interview Tips for New Cooks

So you have just finished a cookery school. Congratulations! Now, the next step is to find out the secret ingredients of a successful job interview. Here are a few tips how to stand out from the applicants:

1. Prepare.

If you are called to an interview it means the recruiter considered you as a suitable applicant and took the trouble to read your CV and cover letter. Now, it is your turn to make the background checks. Learn about the restaurant, their menu, about the their target customers (just observe the people who eat in the restaurant) and so on. Think about why you want to work for them and more importantly, why should the employer hire you. In other words, be ready to highlight your strengths. You should also prepare some questions that you will ask during the interview, if you are invited to do so. It can be related to the future goals of the restaurant or to the job requirements or to anything that isn't clear for you about this job.

2. Highlight your achievements.

Being a fresh graduate doesn't mean you do not have experience at all. Talk about your achievements in the cook school where you have studied. Mention if you have participated in a culinary competition or if you have been involved in any extracurricular activity. You can also say what inspired you to become a cook.

3. Showcase your talent.

Photographers are required to create portfolios. Why shouldn’t you do the same? Create your own portfolio with the recipes you ‘invented’. You can even prepare your specialty and bring it to the interview. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

4. Appearance.

Dress appropriately to the job you apply for. You are not applying for an executive job so you do not have to wear a suit, but be presentable. Keep in mind, that you are about to make a first impression and you definitely want it to be a positive one.

5. Be punctual.

It is annoying to wait for a candidate to show up. More than that, it shows that you are unreliable. Leave for the interview with 20 minutes earlier than you normally would, so even if some unexpected happens you can arrive at least in time.

If you are still looking for the right job check out this site.

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